hello child what do you know
you said you've been to hell but you were not even close
if that was hell child, what do you call the places I'd been
beyond purgatory sweetpea,
beyond anything your small cherry mind could ever imagine
pink bubbly cuddly you were chosen to be
you said you'd seen death but honey,
you have never been burned alive
death is ultimate I know but pain is eternal
so don't compare, don't you even go there
glorious child how sweet for you to try to understand
but a mind like mine works in ways you will never ever comprehend
no matter how you struggle, or try to get smarter
deciphering dreams from a broken soul would never get any easier
so could you please do me a little favor
I need you to never engage me in any conversation
ah don't get me wrong sweet child it's not jealousy I feel
like cheese and chalk, some things are just never meant to be